It’s been a while

So it’s been a while and my lack of posting and the posts that I have done being on the more upset, angry, confused as to why i feel like the weight of the world is upon my shoulders side has resulted in me feeling like I just don’t want to post anything at all! But I have decided to not let that stop me and to keep going.
1) I am happier and in a much better headspace
2) I have been missing him a lot but I’m over it haha
3) I am exercising a shit tone more and working towards getting fit and muscley!
4) I am going to post more and better things 🙂

I’m not sure what I want to write but let’s just see where the wind takes us! 😂


What am I trying to do? What are my goals for now? I will get back on path!

It has been very hard these past few days. The depression has decided to kick me in the face once more and whilst I am trying to hide the fact i am drowning in my own self pity from my family and friends that want to have nothing other than a good chat with me, I am trying to put myself back on track so I can be normal, so I can be human with the people around me.

With no other exams left and 3 months away from the hell hole we call school, I am free. I have time to do things for myself and lose myself in the 14 books I have sitting only bed side table that I haven’t cracked into (I will be doing book reviews in the very near future!) I will be seeing my best friend of 6 years whom I haven’t had a good catch up with in nearly a year and on friday seeing another friend who can never fail to make me smile no matter what mood I am in. I’m hoping to get back into human activity and spend time with friends that are trying to understand me but I just prefer to leave in the dark. I am going to be blogging SO much these next 3 months so be very very prepared for that. I am going to try find a job and start taking music lessons again, all of this I am hoping will distract me from myself and focus on living rather than trying to completely erase myself from peoples lives.

I’m sorry for my last few posts… actually no I am not sorry, this is MY blog and I have every right to post what I would like on it. This is a way for ME to express my feelings towards things so no I will not apologise to those who have not enjoyed my last 2 posts but this is my blog lets not forget, you are choosing to read them so I am very much NOT sorry about posting them.

Anyway, I am trying guys. I’m getting my goals set and aspirations started. More posts on a variety of different things coming soon and if you have any recommendations or suggestions of what I should write about feel free to leave a comment.

P.s. I am going to be selling crafts and what not very soon so be sure to check all of that out! 🙂